It may be luckiest to live with such a wonderful mum as in this movie, where she took care of her girls tremendously well. This mum was protecting, guiding and comforting those lovely girls so that they can grow up as they wish. Four girls were different from each other. Meg was nice, Joe wild, Bath kind and Amy realistic and jealous. This little Amy may know what she wanted well when she was a little girl. She can burn Joe's manuscripts just for a ticket and I even thought she fell into water deliberately somehow to draw attention from Laure. Joe was so vivid and so lucky to meet her soul mate finally, both of them were hopeless perfectionism.
明星专题:向佐实质上是他乡中上阶层的教育 我想我们观看这部纪录片这个行为本身就验证了芬兰教师所说的撇除掉竞争的自我学习自发学习是最好的学习方法我们看了他乡的教育知道教育不是只有填鸭式唯分数至上未来也不是只有一个样子这个种子就埋下了以后我们有了孩子至少在家庭教育这个环节上我们能做出点什么改变来而不是一味地抱怨“这部纪录片何不食肉糜”“我们国情不一样”然后就打个一星